And We Danced DJ Entertainment proudly kept the Olympic Village lively for all of the athletes, friends, family and fans that came to compete and watch the competition during the Pennsylvania Special Olympics held at Penn State’s University Park campus! Pennsylvania Special Olympics organized festivities to celebrate their 50th year. A large canvas was on display in the Olympic Village for people to sign and leave a message in commemoration of this big event. Volunteers gladly wore their gold t-shirts displaying this big achievement.
Around 2,000 athletes come each year from all over the state of Pennsylvania to compete in various Special Olympic events. And We Danced DJ Entertainment was bombarded with hellos from athletes seen in previous years. We were happy to see the smiling faces of athletes, coaches and family members as they made their way to their competition event. Athletes proudly showed off the medals awarded for first, second and third place finishes. And We Danced DJ Entertainment gladly took requests from the crowd, played some fan favorite line dances and kept the people smiling and happy traveling to and from events.
Spider-Man, Batman and Doctor Strange were on hand to cheer, pose and greet athletes traveling through the Olympic Village. Eat’n Park dispensed cookies and had an area set up for young and old to decorate cookies if they so desired. The Eat’n Park cookie could also be seen dancing, shaking hands and posing for pictures with athletes traveling through the Olympic Village. Sheetz had guests spin a wheel to win prizes. They also had large containers surrounding the Olympic Village filled with Gatorade and water for thirsty athletes, coaches and family members. The 2019 Centre County Dairy Princess, Laurel Fogleman, and 2019 Centre County Alternate Dairy Princess, Shawna Weaver, were displaying their keen dairy knowledge to athletes and parents. The Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup and Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bar could be scene traveling through the Olympic Village shaking hands, posing for pictures and dancing to the lively tunes being played by And We Danced DJ Entertainment. Athletes could not leave on Saturday without stopping by the Panda Express booth and partaking of some delicious orange chicken.
Thank you to Pennsylvania’s Special Olympic Athletes and Committee for allowing And We Danced DJ Entertainment to be a part of the 50th Anniversary of the PA Special Olympics Event!

All photos in this blog post by And We Danced DJ Entertainment. Copyright © 2019. All rights reserved.